How to define success when it feels like others are leaping ahead

First published on Investing in Women website and YouTube channel in March 2023, Lindsey was interviewed by Elizabeth Willets, founder of Investing in Women to how to define success when it feels like others are leaping ahead.

Notable Quotes

  • I talk about this stuff because it is important for people to feel like they don’t have to be like everybody else to be successful. Having your way of doing things and your own path is completely okay.

  • It’s important to realize that success doesn’t have to be a linear path. It’s okay to take steps sideways or even backwards at times. It can be challenging to accept this mindset shift, as it requires unlearning the traditional definition of success and redefining it to align with your personal goals and values.

  • Protecting your energy is really important. If you feel like you’re getting sucked into the success of other people and you’re spending so much time and energy focusing on that rather than actually focusing on your own stuff, then it’s time to do things a little bit differently.

  • We develop a fixed mindset if we focus too much on things we can’t control, like other people’s actions and reactions. Instead, by focusing on what we can control, we develop a growth mindset and open up new possibilities.

  • Sharing my story through conversations with different people helps them see that if I can do it, they can do it too. It plants a seed in their mind that can grow, and that’s where I can offer my support


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