Want to live a life that you love without feeling so stressed and overwhelmed? I can help.


Why coaching?

  • Feeling overwhelmed, frazzled, a bit wired?

  • Unsure how things are going to change for you?

  • Forgot what it’s like to not feel stressed?

  • Feel like you’re running to the next thing for you to do, without having a chance to catch your breath - and no sign of things slowing down?

  • You’re saying yes to everything because you don’t know how to say no without fear of upsetting someone and letting them down.

    Well, I think 121 coaching could definitely help. Read on for more…

How can 121 coaching help?

121 coaching can help you overcome overwhelm and that frazzled feeling, so you can be more confident in communicating what is and isn’t important to you. You’ll raise your awareness of what success looks like to you and we will put an action in place for you to step away from those feelings of guilt for not working enough, neglecting your family or friends, and lean in to doing what you enjoy and saying no to what isn’t serving you.

You’ll get the space you need to make those changes and have my support every step of the way.

We break everything down so you’ll go from feeling overwhelmed to on-top of things, frazzled to calm and in control and on the way to setting those boundaries and feeling like a badass!

What’s included?

The 121 packages are bespoke and personalised to you. They have been designed to get to the crux of what’s causing you to feel overwhelmed, frazzled and feeling like things are a bit out of control. You’ll have the space to get clarity, have someone to hold you accountable and feel empowered to take the next steps you need to take to get you to where you want to be.

You’ll get the following included in every package:

  • Fortnightly 121 sessions

  • Check-ins via WhatsApp/Slack to keep you on track

  • Goody bag welcome package delivered to your door

Payments can be made in full at time of booking, or spread across monthly payments. Please select which option you’d like to go for using the buttons below.

121 coaching packages

12 month accelerator

£4,250 of £355 for 12 months

If you are super serious and committed to taking your goals (and your life) to the next level, then get involved with the 12- month accelerator 121 coaching programme.

What’s included?

Three 121 in person days to set yourself up for success:

  • Day one - doing the groundwork

  • Day two (at the halfway mark) a reflect and reset session

  • Day three (at the end of the six months) a celebration and round up with next steps

Nine 121 sessions (every 3 weeks) via zoom

Weekly check-ins and accountability trackers

Six month subscription to The Anti-Hustle Club subscription box

Three months

£720 or £240 for three months

Six x 1 hour sessions (held fortnightly)

Check-ins/catch ups via WhatsApp

PLUS all the freebies listed above


Package prices are correct as of January 2024.

Six months

£1,320 or £220 for six months

12 x 1 hour sessions (held fortnightly)

Check-ins/catch ups via WhatsApp

PLUS all the freebies listed above

What People Are Saying


“I did a group session with her and was so buzzed afterwards I did some 121 private sessions, which have been fantastic to keep me on track.”

— Hannah

“I feel like I’m in a different head space. I’m going to start placement in January and instead of feeling nervous and anxious I actually feel excited which I didn’t think I would feel without our sessions.”

— Shazmin

“Speaking to Lindsey really helps me gain some positive clarity on ways forward when things feel a little confusing. Lindsey is supportive and non-judgemental which makes her so easy to talk to!”

— Tiz

Ready to take the first step?

You might not be ready to jump feet first into 121 coaching. But you might want to start making a change to your current circumstances. Find out more about our group accountability programme, On Track. It’s a chance to work together for 90 days to help you get to where you want to be.