Want to get unstuck?

I've heard from quite a few people at the moment say that they're feeling a bit stuck where they are - not sure what to do and how to move forward—feeling frazzled, lacking energy and motivation. Does anyone else feel like that? It might be the change in season and the realisation that we're dangerously close to Christmas! Sorry for saying the C-word. 

So I wanted to share four tips to help you get unstuck:

  1. Work out your why. It's something that's often forgotten. Usually, we focus on the 'who,' the 'when,' and then jump straight to the 'how.' But the 'why' can take some more work. How often do you ask yourself why you want to do something? What will be the impact of you getting that promotion? Why is it essential that it happens? What does success look like to you in this area? Why is it important to you? If you can't articulate it, you need to question why you're doing it and if there's something else you could be doing instead.

  2. Talk to people about it - what's the saying? A problem shared is a problem halved, right? So it's good to have someone to chat to for accountability - or even talk through your idea - just saying it out loud can help! A study about accountability found that you have a 65% of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you've committed to, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%.

  3. Write it down. If you don't like writing things down, then record a voice note. Just get clear on what it is that you want. Think about what could be holding you back? Check-in with your beliefs - could they be keeping you where you are? Think about similar situations you might have experienced - what did you learn, and how could you use those learnings in your current position?

  4. Celebrate the wins. Often we're so focused on the next step that we don't celebrate our successes. What has gone well? What did you enjoy doing? What can you learn from your success, and how could you improve on it by just 1%?

If you've found this helpful, working with a life coach might help you get to where you want to be - from frazzled and unmotivated to feeling fulfilled and on the right path.

Book in for a free virtual cuppa and a catch-up here


Burnout symptoms? Read on…


Success shouldn’t be one size fits all