Twelve learnings, 12 years. My advice and reflections on working 12 years in corporate.

Yesterday was a very surreal day. I put an out of office on and closed down my work laptop for the last time. Three months ago, I decided that after 12 years of working in the corporate arena, it was time to change and focus on my businesses, Goal Digger Coaching and The anti-hustle club. And yesterday was my last day.

There have been definite ups and downs in my corporate career, but I can honestly say I enjoyed it all for the most part. But, of course, it's not every day you get an opportunity to brand wrap a double-decker bus, make artwork speak, and deliver some pretty epic installations, is it?!

I was fortunate to work with some fantastic colleagues, a few chosen ones I'm still friends with today (like actual real friends, not just work friends). I also thrived in environments that encouraged me to be creative and deliver some pretty excellent work, even if I say so myself.

But I wanted to share 12 learnings, or realisations, I guess, after 12 years of working in a corporate environment that might help you. I know as I go into this next chapter of my career that I will remember these: 

  1. No one is going to die if you take a lunch break. So take the lunch break and move away from your desk.

  2. It's okay to fail. Just hold up your hands and be honest.

  3. Don't assume that other people know what you're doing. Talk to them about it!

  4. You don't have to have all the answers. It's okay to say you don't know.

  5. Don't be scared to ask stupid questions. The likelihood is that someone else in the room is happy you asked it.

  6. Don't wear a badge of honour for coming into work early and leaving late. And be wary of teams that encourage that.

  7. Everyone defines success differently. Don't assume that yours is the same as someone else's.

  8. Set boundaries, and don't be scared to say no. The more you do it, the easier it will get.

  9. Everyone's problem will be urgent for you to deal with. Don't get sucked up in their urgency without understanding if it needs to be urgent for you.

  10. You'll never finish your to-do list. So stop staying late to get everything done.

  11. Manage people's expectations and keep people up to date with what's going on with their 'thing.' It will be worth it in the long run.

  12. Book a holiday. Work will survive without you - it's really not that deep.

So there you have it! I am super excited about this next chapter of my journey, and I hope many of you will come along for the ride. 

If you or someone you know is interested in exploring 121 coaching to help move forwards and take action, read more here about coaching packages.

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