
Read & reflect

Thoughts, learnings, teaching and tips to help you reflect on your mindset, work towards your goals and ask the you questions you might not have thought about when it comes to personal development and getting to your goals.

Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Why is self talk so important?

You might think that how you talk about yourself isn't that important. But trust me, it is. I don't know about you, but I do a LOT of self-talk, and it's not all positive.

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Making mindfulness easy

It's probably one of the busiest times of the year, so you probably think that the last thing you want to do is embark on a wellness challenge. So let's save that for January, right? Well, I'm not so sure.

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Ten tips to be more present this Christmas.

I know that while Christmas is the time for giving, it can also be a frantic mad dash to the 25th December, by which time you want to get hammered and eat some turkey in peace. So I wanted to share ten tips for you to feel less frazzled and more present this Christmas.

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Self sabotage and how you can deal with it.

It sounds pretty serious. But it's something that we likely do more often than you think - and we don't even realise. Negative self-talk? Procrastination? Rubbish at communicating what you want?

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Why understanding your values will change your life.

I know it’s a bold statement. It’s something I hadn’t really considered a couple of years ago. What does it matter that I know them? I know what I like and what I don't like - does it need to go deeper than that? Yeah probably. Here's why.

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Five tips to get more time

Time is probably one of our most precious commodities. It's something that we don't get back. Once we've spent it, it's gone. And then often we're left mourning it, that we wasted it, we could have done more, we should have done things differently.

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Burnout symptoms? Read on…

According to Indeed, 67% of all workers surveyed believe burnout has worsened during the pandemic. Read on if you feel like you might be experiencing burnout

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Want to get unstuck?

If you’re feeling a bit stuck - not sure what to do and how to move forward—feeling frazzled, lacking energy and motivation then read these four tips to help you.

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Success shouldn’t be one size fits all

However you define it - whether you call it a victory, a triumph, or making progress, it's essential to understand that success should look a little different for everyone.

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

What to look for in a life coach

I wanted to share the positive side of working with a coach and some honest advice that I think might help you when on a quest to find the right one for you. If this article does nothing else, it hopefully proves that some excellent life coaches are out there. 

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Embrace who you are - don't dilute it

Life isn't an infinite thing. If this year has taught us anything, it's that. So why are we spending time watering down how amazing we are because we're worried about what someone else will think?

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Why it's never too late to start

When I was younger, I thought that at 36, I'd be climbing up the career ladder, smashing those deadlines with the world at my feet. I'd maybe have a child, definitely have a nanny, and be happily married.

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

What the hell’s a life coach?

At different times in your life, you may need to call on different support systems to work with. Some may be healthcare professionals like therapists, counsellors, or psychologists. Others might be mentors, consultants, or life coaches.

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Lindsey Roberts Lindsey Roberts

Hoarding and happiness

A little poem about hoarding a happiness I wrote about six years ago that feels very relevant today.

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